
A Kpler Business


Live & historical data

Aggregated and pre-processed by COR-e

Live & historical data

Benefits of pre-processing

To the source



Format alignment

Integrity check

Server availability

Reactivity of the support

Benefits of pre-processing data

Our service

Our data pre-processing service allows you to populate you data warehourse with clean and always available data.

Data pre-processing service - Explanation

Multiple sources

Your data warehouse

Tye type of data involved

Data from all essential power trading sources can be used via this service and retrieved from our server continuously (via FTP, SSH or Python/Julia). Our service is open to any new data source, in compliance with the operating licences of each of them.

COR-e Pre-processing service - data structure

Weather: Continuous detailed weather data (wind, radiation…), with geographical coordinates. Several years of historical data are available.

Price: Current prices on all markets (Balancing, Intraday, Spot, Futures), historical prices and our forecasts.

Demand: Country demand, historical data and our forecasts.

Supply: Power production, by source (solar, wind, nuclear…) as well as alerts (UMM / Remit) and our forecasts.

Interconnection: Inter-country trade and its history.

Sensitivity: The order books of the various market places, as well as their history.

The above mentioned data are subject to licences with redistribution rights. It is also possible to use your data under licence.

Our interfaces





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COR-e is a Kpler Business